Sri Guru Arjun Dev College
Sri Guru Arjun Dev College of Management and Technology was established in 2011 in the cherished memory of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji,Who was born on 15 April 1563 – 30 May 1606.He was the first of the two Gurus martyred in the Sikh faith and the fifth of the ten total Sikh Gurus. He compiled the first official edition of the Sikh scripture called the Adi Granth, which later expanded into the Guru Granth Sahib.He taught us to respect every relegion.Moreover he gave equal importance to both the genders. Our institution is striving hard to run on the Preachings of Guru sahib. Since 2011 this college is fulfilling the technological and managerial needs of the local community under the survelience of our Chairperson S. Sucha Singh Langah.

Sri Guru Arjun Dev College are ready to provide Job Oriented real time training, 100 per cent job guaranty, placement assistance, job reference etc
Strive to achieve a unique blend of academic excellence and managerial skills to address the needs of the business environment in a manner that lets each participant achieve his potential in a value ,based character-centric mould fostering holistic development of youth.
Our vision is to guide and prepare learners in attaining their highest academic goals and competency levels to qualify them for initial employmen t and/or career advancement.